
Adi Linden [email protected]
Thu, 7 Dec 2000 20:12:27 -0600 (CST)


> with hda as a 32 MB Dos formatted SanDisk. 
> Althugh I have a fd0 I do not want to use it as a transfer media

What physical size is your /dev/hda?

> firstly I cannot get "/root/custom"  to get and alter packages it says guess
> again.
> The only custom directory seems to be in
> /root/Embedded_Build/projects/minimal/custom

/root/custom is a directory you will need to create yourself. In it you
place files you need to add to the sytem after all the packages were
extracted. Custom files will overwrite package files.

So if you would like etc/config/ifcfg-eth0 to contain your ip numbers
rather than samples in the packages create the
/root/custom/etc/config/ifcfg-eth0 file with the proper permissions and it
will be copied into the target filesystem during the extraction process.

> Then I tried to load to target and faithfully changed the references to
> /dev/sda and /dev/fd0 to /dev/hda

The /dev/fd0 reference is for floppy based systems only. Changing it to
/dev/hda won't do anything until you try to build a floppy based sytem.

Changing /dev/sda to /dev/hda is the right thing to do (as you did).

> and selected DOS12 and pressed the majic button. 
> After confirming that I did want to proceed it told me that I was
> unsucesfull ????  "YES" to see why but a blank results screen, nothing...

There should be a screen with a list of items and their results...

> I looked on my SanDisk /dev/hda and it too had no contents.  

Did you make sure to extract the filesystem prior to selecting the
installation step?


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