[Peeweelinux] password problem

[email protected] [email protected]
Tue, 4 Mar 2003 20:31:27 CET

I suppose you're French, but in doubt I'll answer in english ;)
I don't know much about peeweelinux, so I'll tell you what I would try...
1)Concerning the root password problem:
edit the file etc/shadow (should be in ...Embedded_Build/projects/minimal/mnt/etc or something similar). There you should find a line like this:
root:$1$suMKaTdx$f34uNmwell.xiznODhCka0:11970:0:99999:7::: or admin or whatever...
(this one's fake of course :) )
now erase the characters $1$suMKaTdx$f34uNmwell.xiznODhCka0 and save the file. Once you reboot you'll just have to login as root without any password and then put one by using passwd.

2)to login directly as root:
in the file etc/inittab you should have a line such as:
c1:12345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1 linux
which loads the program getty (login program) and again after you close a session.
It concerns console number 1. So if you don't want this just erase this line and add something like sh or bash at the end of the rc.M script.

hope this helps,