[Peeweelinux] PeeweeLinux + Xwindows booting from Compact Flash

Ken Emmons, Jr. peeweelinux@adis.on.ca
Tue, 19 Aug 2003 10:04:08 -0400

I'm not familiar with using browsers on peewee. I'd recommend one of the PIII boards running the old version of netscape (4.7 ish??) that comes with Peewee. Then you can use a compatable version of macromedia flash and it will be real fast. Thats probably the quickest and easiest option. Other than that I can't help you there.

I agree, Flash is pretty gross for embedded stuff, and for most things in general. 

Well, good luck.

>>> Ashley Rolleston <ashley@smartsw.co.uk> 08/19 9:52 AM >>>
Ok meeting over,

As much as would like to code my own GUI using fltk c++, it doesn't fit
in with the product specification. peeweeLinux + xwindows will remain
the base linux system, but the flash GUI aspect of the front-end is one
of the sale-able features, so cannot be changed.

The browser on the peeweeLinux will need to connect to a central web
server which will host the controls. Not just the touchscreen project
will be interfacing with this server (which is already coded) users can
also access it from their desktops etc.

Therefore my final system requires
	-	TCP/IP Networking capability
	-	A flash capable browser (mozilla?)

Can I still meet these requirements using peeweeLinux as the base OS?
They are prepared to bend the 60 second booting time, as I mentioned
this was unrealistic, although keeping boot time down is still of

Personally I detest flash, however my vote doesn't get very far on this
one, I am just the developer... (/me wonders how many other people have
experienced this before) :)


Ashley Rolleston
aka Onyx^

On Tue, 2003-08-19 at 10:08, Ashley Rolleston wrote:
> Ken,
> Thanks very much for your information, it has been a great help! Enough
> of a help infact for me to decide to switch development from building my
> own LFS system ( http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/ ) to using
> peeweeLinux. I am meeting with our client this morning to talk about
> possible changes to the design specification (IE not using mozilla/flash
> and using a custom built GUI).
> I would love to have a copy of your bootable peeweeLinux X Windows
> project, it would be very useful. I am about to leave for this meeting,
> but will get back to you later on today privately.
> For the lists information, the specification of the hardware that I will
> be developing for is here...
> http://www.dspdesign.com/products/product_detail?product_id=99 
> Thanks again Ken, and I will keep the list posted on my progress.
> Ashley Rolleston
> aka Onyx^
> ashley@smartsw.co.uk 

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