[Peeweelinux] 0.61.0 and MSN Companion (aka Compaq iPAQ line)

Bob Tanner peeweelinux@adis.on.ca
Mon, 28 Jan 2002 05:48:45 -0600

Using pwl 0.61.0 and a SanDisk USB reader/writer with a Viking 128Mb CF.

Just starting out, I put the minimal project to the CF. Tweaked the MSN
companion to boot the CF and I get a lovely lilo prompt.
Hitting enter, I get a "Block move error 0xNNNN", where NNNN is a number that
isdifferent each time.

But lilo continues to load the kernel.

Kernel bootstraps. Right after mounting the "drives" I get the following error:

VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for swapper

I read the following thread:


Selecting the whole kernel didn't fix my problem.

Running redhat 7.2 (kernel 2.4.29-21 official redhat kernel)
PWL 0.61.0
SanDisk Reader/writer
Viking 128Mb CF
To add to my info:

     Target: Compressed ramdisk on ext2 partition -->
     Project Mount Point: "mnt"
     Device Mount Point: "/mnt/flash"
     Target Device: "/dev/sda"
     Free Space on Ramdisk: "2000"

I'm not sure if these options are right.

Bob Tanner <tanner@real-time.com>         | Phone : (952)943-8700
http://www.mn-linux.org, Minnesota, Linux | Fax   : (952)943-8500
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