[Peeweelinux] help - static compiling

Ken Emmons, Jr. [email protected]
Wed, 11 Dec 2002 12:51:01 -0500

I use the following for GTK+ static compiles and it appears to work.

hmi:$(HMI_FILE).c $(MCON_SRC)/hmi/sys_hmi.o
	$(CC) -static $(HMI_FLAGS)  -o $@ $(HMI_FILE).c  $(MCON_SRC)/hmi/sys_hmi.o `gtk-config --libs --cflags`

Of course, yours might be a bit simpler (I am linking to a precompiled object file called sys_hmi.o), but you get the idea. My files end up being about 3MB or so. Perhaps the -static option must come first?? 


>>> Cem Eryasar <[email protected]> 12/11 12:29 PM >>>

I am trying to comile my app with -static option.
However the application size is still the same.

Is there any other things to look at in order to
use -static?

Thanks vey much

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