Minimal downloads

Adi Linden [email protected]
Sat, 18 Nov 2000 20:53:31 -0600


The source distribution contains everything there is to 
PeeWeeLinux. Scropts, binary rpms and source rpms.

The binary distribution is lacking the source rpms but 
otherwise complete.

The config archives are for upgrading the pwlconfig 
scripts only and are of no use unless a binary or 
source distribution has been installed.

Hope this helps!

Quoting Matt Carlson <[email protected]>:

> Hello,
> I am new to both embedded computing, and peeweelinux.
> I have read through the archives, and the 
documentation.  One thing that > I have not been able 
to find information on is this.
> What are the minimal files that I need to download to 
use PeeWeeLinux.
> I am finding 3 sets of files for each version.  
Source, Binaries, and > Configs.
> The Configs and Binaries are of reasonable sizes, 
where as the Source > tar's are a bit large to grab on 
a slow connection.  Do I need them or > are they only 
there for GPL compliance?
> Thank you,
> M@
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