PeeWeeLinux Documentation
Adi Linden
Sun, 23 Jan 2000 20:10:48 -0600 (CST)
> Cool..Good job on the HTML stuff, now if what I wrote just made sense :-)
I didn't really read it, just paste it into lyx :)
> Did you get the latest file from the incomming directory...the pwlconfig
> V07 ? I think I updated the REAME.pwlconfig....
Yup, that's the one I copied and pasted.
> Can I just capture your HTML and start updating the document ? I think I
> can do that with Netscape, but I've never done an HTML document...
Nope... Yes... depends. I use lyx to do the docs. It's wonderful because I
can create almost any format imaginable from it. Except for text. It
stinks and I don't know why.
Anyhow, I could create a text file (its not pretty as it still
contains some lyx tags) of the docs. Edit it and mail it back and I cut
and paste into my lyx source document.
> Have to go watch X-Files...the truth is ...well, err, somewhere ?
Maybe... my wifeee is watching 'Touched by an Angel'...
> *I'll be back*
Ok, Arnold...
So I'll be talking to you later :)
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