pwl_target_load: line 1656: syntax error: unexpected end of file
Adi Linden
[email protected]
Wed, 20 Dec 2000 00:27:20 -0600 (CST)
Fixed the pwl_target_load and pwl_target_functions script to work properly
with bash-2.x. The cause of the problem is a documented incomatability
between bash-1.14 and bash-2.03.
So version 0.53.25 will be uploaded shortly...
Below find the 'technical' explanation...
In those scripts I redirect output from certain commands to $rd_log or
/dev/null depending on the circumstances. Here is an offending line
{ dd if=$rd_loop_dev bs=1k count=$rd_size_fs | gzip -v9 > $rd_tmp/$rd_ramdisk } >>$rd_log 2>&1
Things are working after adding a semicolon just before the closing
bracket, like so:
{ dd if=$rd_loop_dev bs=1k count=$rd_size_fs | gzip -v9 > $rd_tmp/$rd_ramdisk; } >>$rd_log 2>&1
Here is the excerpt from the bash2 COMPAT file for reference:
--- Quote ---
2. One of the bugs fixed in the YACC grammar tightens up the rules
concerning group commands ( {...} ). The `list' that composes the
body of the group command must be terminated by a newline or
semicolon. That's because the braces are reserved words, and are
recognized as such only when a reserved word is legal. This means
that while bash-1.14 accepted shell function definitions like this:
foo() { : }
bash-2.0 requires this:
foo() { :; }
This is also an issue for commands like this:
mkdir dir || { echo 'could not mkdir' ; exit 1; }
The syntax required by bash-2.0 is also accepted by bash-1.14.
--- Unquote ---
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