[Peeweelinux] 0.61.0 and MSN Companion (aka Compaq iPAQ line)

Mark Meade [email protected]
Tue, 29 Jan 2002 14:24:14 -0500

There is some context sensitive help built into pwlconfig.  Select
"Configure Target Hardware" and then "Help".  There is also a filed called
README.pwlconfig in the Embedded_Build/scripts directory that contains some
useful information.

Based on the description of your problem, it sounds like you may need to
configure a "custom" kernel specifically for your application.

In my case (8MB bootable DiskOnChip), I had to use a custom 2.4.17 kernel on
the target, rather than the 2.2 era kernel included with Peewee.

For what it's worth, here's some more information on some of the Peewee
Linux Project options, as I understand them:

    Project Mount Point: mnt
        This is a directory where your project will be "extracted" to.
    Device Mount Point: ./mnt
        This is where pwlconfig will default to mounting your device.

Typically, you shouldn't need to change these options.  If you have a
project called "test", the complete file system for the target would be
created under Embedded_Build/projects/test/mnt.  After you use the "Extract
File System for Project" option, this directory will contain the entire file
system.  I often find it useful to manually go into this directory (and
subdirectories) just to see what was extracted, prior to actually copying it
to the target device.

    IDE Flash (or HD) Target Parameters
    Target Device: /dev/sda
        The target device name on the development system your PeeWeeLinux
        system will be build on. Be careful here. The target build script
        will destroy any existing content on this device!

      Boot Device: /dev/hda
         How the target device will be known as on the final target system.

These target parameters are used when you're ready to copy the complete
project file system created earlier.  Peewee Linux is using the "Target
Device" parameter to automatically copy the file system to the target, which
could be a floppy, Compact flash, DiskOnChip device, etc.

I'm not sure how this works with compact flash, but my DiskOnChip part is
accessed via "/dev/nftla".  In my case, the target device is specified as
"/dev/nftla".  Peewee Linux handles the partitioning (fdisk), file system
creation (ext2 or FAT), file copying, and boot record creation

Incidentally, if the Linux system does not recognize your target, the "Load
File System onto Target" option will always fail.  As a quick sanity check,
try "sfdisk -l /dev/xx" where xx is your actual target.

If the "Load File System onto Target" option was successful, the target
device should now be bootable.

The "Boot Device" option specifies where the root file system is located.
After the kernel boots, it will attempt to find and mount the root file
system on the device specified.  Unless the root file system is not on the
target device itself (for instance, a CD-ROM or harddrive), this option
should be the same as the Target Device.

I hope this helps,


----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob Tanner" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 1:19 AM
Subject: Re: [Peeweelinux] 0.61.0 and MSN Companion (aka Compaq iPAQ line)

> Quoting Mark Meade ([email protected]):
> > A couple of thoughts (if you haven't tried them already):
> >
> > Try changing Device Mount Point to "./mnt"
> >
> > Check the "Boot Device on Target System" option.  It should probably be
> > "/dev/sda".
> Where can I find details on what these parameters mean and what they do?
> --
> Bob Tanner <[email protected]>         | Phone : (952)943-8700
> http://www.mn-linux.org, Minnesota, Linux | Fax   : (952)943-8500
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