Read only filesystem size issues.

Adi Linden [email protected]
Wed, 13 Dec 2000 22:53:55 -0600 (CST)

Hi Dean,

Here are some notes to your comments... I am cutting away all the
irrelevant parts of the script...

# here you calculate the size of the entire filesystem including /home, /root, /dev, and /etc
    # calculate the required root fs space
    rd_size_fs=`du -s -k $rd_projectroot | cut -f 1`

-> Correct!

# these are the compressed images of the /dev and /etc directories
    # add the ramdisk sizes
    rd_size_fs=$((rd_size_fs + `du -s -k $rd_tmp/ | cut -f 1`))
    rd_size_fs=$((rd_size_fs + `du -s -k $rd_tmp/ramdisk.etc | cut -f 1`))
    # add the bootloader
    rd_size_fs=$((rd_size_fs + `du -s -k $rd_bootb | cut -f 1`))
    # add a few kB for a margin
    rd_size_fs=$((rd_size_fs + rd_size_boot_margin))

-> Correct!

# this block calculates the size of the /hom and /root directories that are also a part of 
# the above calculations.
    # calculate the home partition size
    rd_size_home=`du -s -k $rd_projectroot/home | cut -f 1`
    # add /root
    rd_size_home=$((rd_size_home + `du -s -k $rd_projectroot/root | cut -f 1`))
    # add the desired free space
    rd_size_home=$((rd_size_home + rd_home_free))

-> Correct. This is needed to determine the size of the partition
containing the /home (and /root) directory

    # check if things will fit
    # also take our /home partition into consideration
# Here is where your calculation double includes the /home and /root directories.
    if [ $((rd_size_fs + rd_size_home)) -gt $rd_size_avail ]

-> Yup, I missed the fact that $rd_size_fs already includes the file
system size included in $rd_size_home. So essentially I could rewrite the
above to simply state:

    if [ $rd_size_fs -gt $rd_size_avail ]

-> This should eliminate this error.

    # mount remaining partitions
    func_rd_action m "Mounting /home partition ${rd_target}2..."
    mount -t ext2 ${rd_target}2 $rd_mount/home

-> We're mounting the /home partition up above

    func_rd_action test
    func_rd_action m "Mounting /mnt/flash partition ${rd_target}3..."
    mount -t ext2 ${rd_target}3 $rd_mount/mnt/flash
    func_rd_action test

    func_rd_action m "Copying files..."
    # copy files
    for i in $rd_projectroot/*; do

        # clear the flag

# you are not copying /root here, but you are copying /home, but by mounting /home
# the space taken by this copy is wasted.

-> Not quite true. At this point /home is mounted. The subsequent copy
command will copy the contents of /home into the mounted partition instead
of the root partition. The intend was to have the /home directory
uncompressed so one could save the contents of /home or even eliminate the
building and mounting of a /home ramdisk and mount the filesystem
directly. Perhaps adding reiserfs would allow for that with little risk of

        # mark any directories we don't want to copy
        for j in dev etc root tmp var; do
            if [ `basename $i` = $j ]; then

        # copy if we're clear
        if [ ! $rd_status ]; then
            cp -a $i $rd_mount 

    # copy whatever is in /root to /home/root
    cp -a $rd_projectroot/root $rd_mount/home
    # create symlinks for our new file locations
    ln -sf /dev/var $rd_mount/var
    ln -sf /dev/var/tmp $rd_mount/tmp
    ln -sf /home/root $rd_mount/root

    # copy ramdisk, initrd, boot.b
    cp -f $rd_tmp/ $rd_mount/boot/
    cp -f $rd_tmp/ramdisk.etc $rd_mount/boot/ramdisk.etc
    cp -f $rd_tmp/$rd_initrd $rd_mount/boot/$rd_initrd
    cp -f $rd_bootb $rd_mount/boot/boot.b

    # create devices required before anything is mounted
    cp -a $rd_projectroot/dev/console $rd_mount/dev/console
    cp -a $rd_projectroot/dev/systty $rd_mount/dev/systty
    cp -a $rd_projectroot/dev/null $rd_mount/dev/null
    cp -a $rd_projectroot/dev/ram $rd_mount/dev/ram
    cp -a $rd_projectroot/dev/ram0 $rd_mount/dev/ram0
# can this be modified to only copy the devices actually in rd_projectroot/dev?

-> This is a poor way of doing this. At least by using the ${rd_boot}
variable only the devices relevant to the boot device are created.

    for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9; do
        cp -a $rd_projectroot${rd_boot}${i} ${rd_mount}${rd_boot}${i}
        cp -a $rd_projectroot/dev/ram$i ${rd_mount}/dev/ram$i
    for i in 0 1 2 3 4; do
        cp -a $rd_projectroot/dev/tty$i $rd_mount/dev/tty$i

    # copy our modified inittab to the root directory
    cp -f $rd_tmp/inittab $rd_mount/etc/inittab
    func_rd_action test

    # add rc.init

    # make some noise
    func_rd_action m "Creating fstab and rc.init..."

# There is no way that I can see to modify this flag in pwl

-> I missed to add this flag to the projects.defaults file. This could be
important for instance where you want to include your own fstab and
rc.init file.

    # see if we're allowed to
    if [ "$rd_initscripts" = "y" ]; then

        # lets do it!
        func_rd_fstab_ro_root_rd > $rd_mount/etc/fstab
        func_rd_init_ro_root_rd > $rd_mount/rc.init

        # make sure rc.init is executable
        chmod 755 $rd_mount/rc.init

        # send the ok
        func_rd_action s

        # duh we're not configured print a warning
        func_rd_action w

# in the XFree86 package there is a file that accomplishes the
# the linking of /usr/X11R6/lib. Is there a reason you have it hard coded here as well?

-> Yes. My idea is that an embedded system shouldn't change. so you
wouldn't need the ldconfig binary. On a small system this is quite
significant. I don't expect any to be on the target filesystem.
So just in case X is included it will be linked. Perhaps the list of
library paths at this stage could be configurable in a projects.default
variable, too?  

    # run library loader and include XFree86 lib directory
    # remember it's been relocated to /lib/
    func_rd_action m "Creating"
    ldconfig -v -C /lib/ -r $rd_mount /usr/X11R6/lib >>$rd_log 2>&1
    func_rd_action test
-> Thank you for your suggestions! The above was created for a particular
project but never really tested thoroughly. It does work, though. If you
have ideas for a different partitioning method I'd be quite happy to
either modify this target or even create a new one.

With the 2.4.x kernels we should have a devfs which should allow for the
/dev ramdisk to disappear. It is defenitely something with a lot of waste.
Especially with fairly little devices it still is rather large since each
device entry requires an inode. devfs works similar to the /proc
filesystem where it's a kernel generated filesystem.

having the /etc files in  compressed ramdisk makes them rather difficult
to change. So a different solution might be an idea. Perhaps keep it in a
partition just as /home but copy the partition into a ramdisk on boot?

Note that I added the following in 0.53.23 to correct some calcualtions:

    # deduct the /dev and /etc filesystems
    # reverse addition of free space to ramdisks!
    rd_size_fs=$((rd_size_fs - (rd_size_fs_dev - rd_dev_free)))
    rd_size_fs=$((rd_size_fs - (rd_size_fs_etc - rd_etc_free)))

It works and I think it makes sense...


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